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Pickup points with Verzenden via

Placed on:7 February 2022

Pickup points with Verzenden via

The Retailer API is ready to offer our partners the ability to use delivery pickup points via DHL in the Netherlands, and in Belgium.

We will automatically offer this option to customers in their buy block as a free option if their product is eligible for pickup points. This will become automatically available in the API end of March 2022. For more information, see this topic.

What do you need to do?

As a partner with "Verzenden via" you do not need to do anything extra to enable this option, and the process works much the same as other shipment types. If a customer has selected a pickup point during the order, in the [Get single order] call field will be "true", and the [shipmentDetails.pickupPointName] field will have the name of the collection location. Then when you fetch [shipment data], the same fields will appear from the order that were added to the GET single order call.

Shipping labels

We have defined a set of templates for shipping labels for each specific pickup point type. When you generate a shipping label with pickup points, it will automatically display the correct destination and customer details.