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Failing notifications will be disabled

Placed on:18 December 2023

More and more of our partners are using notifications to stay on top of their Bol assortment and offers. However, sometimes notifications are not successfully delivered to their destination. As these subscriptions stay active, this leads to recurring errors. To reduce these errors, notifications that are not delivered for an extended period will be disabled, starting at 18 December 2023.

You can check the status of your subscription via the Get subscriptions endpoint. You can also re-enable a disabled subscription via the Update Event Notification Subscription endpoint.

The conditions under which we disable subscriptions are as follows:

1. For WEBHOOK subscription types

a. Whenever the endpoint returns a non-success response code (anything other than a 2xx status code is regarded as a failure)

b. Whenever the endpoint takes longer than 5 seconds to process the request

2. For GCP_PUBSUB subscription types

a. Whenever the delivery fails due to authentication problems

b. Whenever the project cannot be found

For all the above scenarios, we will retry delivery 10 times over a period of 10 minutes. Should the destination of the subscription be unreachable for that time frame, we will automatically disable the subscription.

Please find the functional documentation here