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From July 1, OrderIds and OrderItemIds become alphanumeric

Placed on:4 April 2024

From July 1, 2024, the OrderIds and OrderItemIds will become alphanumeric. This means that they no longer only consist of numbers but can also contain letters. The OrderItemIds also become longer. Below we explain in more detail what exactly will change.

The OrderId becomes alphanumeric
The OrderId is the unique identifier of an order. We communicate this not only internally at bol, but also to partners and customers. Since the beginning, we only use numbers in the OrderId field. As of July 1, letters will be added, so the OrderId will become alphanumeric. The length will remain the same.

Example current format OrderId:

Example new format OrderId:

The OrderItemId becomes longer and can contain letters
The OrderItemId is the unique identifier of an item within an order. Currently, there are always 14 numbers in the OrderItemId field. As of July 1, this field will no longer only consist of numbers, but can also contain letters. From this date, the field can also contain more than 14 characters.

Example current format OrderItemId:


Example new format OrderItemId:

Nothing changes for API users
The fields in the API remain textual. So if you use the API, the mentioned changes will not impact you. In versions 8, 9, and 10 of the API, both fields are already defined as 'string'.

To be on the safe side, please check whether your systems can deal with the changes. Check whether your systems and processes can handle an OrderId and an OrderItemId that have characters other than numbers. Also, check whether they can have a variable length.

From April 1, bol will already create some orders with the new textual values. Three months later, this will be the standard for all orders on the bol platform.