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[Update 2] Issue with Instabox labels

Placed on:9 November 2022

We temporarily disabled Instabox as a carrier, because it was not possible to generate their labels. According to our information Instabox will not collect shipments today. We will keep you up-to-date in this post.

Update 13:22

For confirmed orders: Please ship the product with another carrier. Costs for the instabox labels/pickups will be refunded. This also applies to orders that were already brought to a drop-off point.

For open orders: Please don't ship the products. We are trying to find a solution for those orders

Update 17:47

Most instabox orders will be cancelled. Customers will be informed. Offers with VVB+ instabox delivery promise have been taken offline and will be online again when you change the delivery promise.

Apologies for the inconvenience of these measures

For more details (Dutch), click HERE