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New subscriptions in beta 🚀

Placed on:30 October 2023

Do you want your repricer to avoid losing the buybox at all?

We now have a solution for you!

We have recently gone live with two new subscription betas.

Competing offer notifications

This subscription allows you to get a notification whenever anything changes in the response of the competing offer endpoint. This means that there has been a change in the competitive landscape for a given product.

A notification from this subscription can mean the following things:

  • You have gained/lost the buybox.
  • You have gained/lost a competitor.
  • Your competitor has increased/lowered their price.
  • Your competitor has changed their delivery promise.
  • And more!

Using these notifications, you are better suited to stay in control over your competition. You can keep track of changes and attempts to gain the buybox by your competition. This provides you the ability to proactively respond to changes instead of only reacting to losing the buybox.

If you do unfortunately lose the buybox, these notifications will let you respond much faster than the typical reaction time that we currently see.

This reaction time improvement can already help your repricer be the best one in the upcoming 2023 season!🎁

For more information see the functional documentation.

Price star boundary notifications

Keeping track of your competition and the buybox is crucial. However, so is having a great price in the market.

Having a good price helps in getting a better search rank, a higher conversion and Google Ads paid for by bol. 

Prices in the market are constantly changing. As a result, so are the price star boundaries of a product.

To help you keep a good price in the market, we want to send you a notification whenever the price star boundaries of a product that you sell change. This removes the need for constantly polling the GET endpoint and possibly knowing about a change too late.

For more information see the functional documentation.

New delivery method

Both new subscription event types are currently available with the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Pub/Sub delivery method.

Excited about these new features? Any questions?

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