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Revision Retailer API versioning strategy & redirect API v7 to v8

Placed on:9 August 2023

Revision of the Retailer API versioning strategy
In 2020 we introduced the 'Retailer API lifecycle': a fixed rhythm in which new API versions with new functionalities are released every 6 months and old versions are phased out after 19 months. By regularly releasing and removing API versions, partners have been able to plan the migration to a new version well since 2020.

In addition to the positive aspect of the current API lifecycle, we also received feedback that the mandatory upgrade to a new version within 19 months sometimes takes a lot of time and new functionalities are not always used. That is why we are reviewing the way we release and remove API versions. Partners who are not interested in new functionalities will only have to switch to a new version in the future when there is a breaking change. The new API versioning strategy will be further elaborated and implemented in the coming six months. At the beginning of 2024, more information about the new strategy will be shared via and the Partnerplatform.

Redirect from API v7 to API v8
Are you still using API v7? Then API v7 requests will be automatically redirected to API v8 from November 1, 2023, until May 1, 2024. This means that you can continue to use API v7 for a longer period of time and you will receive responses from API v8 as of November 1. At the beginning of next year, we will announce what the new API versioning strategy will look like and from which API version we will no longer release periodic updates. After this, API v7 users can migrate to this 'base version' at once. This will save an extra migration in the coming months.